Sunday, January 19, 2014

Promenade Bracelet with CzechMates 2 Hole Lentils

Playing catch up, trying to get photos of classes on the blog and found this group.  I think this was the Saturday after Christmas, everyone really busy, but we managed to schedule a couple of classes in that weekend.  One of which was a test class for Nicole's Promenade Bracelet that utilizes two different colors of the CzechMates two hole lentils and a strand of two hole Bricks.

This was a great class, the gals all worked really hard and actually finished the project.  A few minor tweaks to the pattern and it will be ready for print.

Beautiful Opal colors on this one.
 May have to update this post next week
with color combos so I can go back and
select beads for a bracelet of my own.
Update: Janet beaded this beautiful bracelet.

Close up of above.  The CzechMates two hole lentils
 here really do look opalized, don't they.

 Don't remember if Sandy did this one or someone else.
 So glad there were so many finished pieces.
But I guess I'm going to have to take notes at the
 end of each class so I can remember who did what.

Sue actually got a chance to take a class instead of working.
 Love her Turquoise and Red Picasso colors

Doesn't this look very elegant and sophisticated.
Love that this had both silver and gold
included with the Navy.

Update:  If Janet beaded the Opal one - who beaded this?
 Beautiful, whoever it belongs to.
Everyone concentrating so hard here.
 So nice to have private classrooms so we can have
more than one class going at the same time. 
Let me know gals, if you would like credit under the photo with your name.  Didn't intend to neglect anyone. These were all so stunning I guess I thought I would remember who did what. I'll know better next time.  


Amy's said...

All of them again looks very nice!

JDreams by Janet Carter said...

Actually, mine is the opal color with the gold seed beads at the top. I know how hard it is to keep track of all the beautiful combos. Thanks for posting all of them!


Brenda said...

Where can I find the pattern for the Promenade Bracelet with CzechMates 2 Hole Lentils?

Peggy J said...

Beautiful bracelet. How do I find or obtain the pattern?
